Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Email Marketing Myth

If you listen to iContact, Constant Contact, Exact Target and the plethora of other providers who provide online email marketing programs, email marketing is something you absolutely have to do. Like other must-do trends (Groupon is another but more on that in another post) that alone should get your radar up. Email marketing does have it's place, but it's unlikely to be a major driver of new business for many small businesses.

Email marketing has notoriously been a low response/low conversion medium, but that factor is offset by its very low cost, and if you're doing it yourself that cost is the monthly subscription for your service and maybe the cost of the list. Physical mail responds and converts much better (and God bless the PO because they're now offering free tools to help businesses use DM) but of course costs more with printing, mailshop and delivery costs. That's why, as a business mover, email marketing is really a volume game, a low conversion percentage is OK if you're deploying the email to hundreds of thousands of addresses. That puts it out of the realm of most small businesses.

And because of the growing use of this tactic, getting into the inbox is becoming harder and harder. Email inbox placement rates declined to a record low of 76.5% in the second half of 2011 according to Return Path's most recent Global Email Deliverability Benchmark Report. Translated, that means one out of every four emails don't even make it past the spam filters, let alone opened and read.

Does this mean you shouldn't use the email medium at all? No. Email marketing is great for keeping in touch with customers, building loyalty through coupon offers to repeat customers or developing leads that come through your website.

It's just not the next big thing, and that's probably a good thing.


Unknown said...

This blog has excellent information regarding Email marketing.Now a days email marketing is very necessary thing for business promotions.B2b Email Data

Email Appending Service. said...
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Email Appending Service. said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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